Observation: Summit

Location: Tenderfoot

Route & General Observations

Toured up to 2300′ on Northerly aspects away from the standard lines of ascent and descent. Three natural large avalanches on South aspect of Fresno above treeline and numerous large avalanches seen from the road. More details below and click HERE for photos.  It was snowing 1 cm per hour from 1:45pm to 5pm.


Red Flags
Red flags are simple visual clues that are a sign of potential avalanche danger. Please record any sign of red flags below.
Obvious signs of instability
Recent Avalanches?Yes
Collapsing (Whumphing)?No
Cracking (Shooting cracks)?No
Observer Comments

Three large natural avalanches on South aspect of Fresno above treeline seen from Tenderfoot.

Many large avalanches seen when driving:
Large natural avalanche on NE aspect above treeline between Silvertip and Moose Mountain.
Several small to large natural avalanches at and above treeline on SE aspects between Silvertip and Moose Mountain. Large crown and natural avalanche seen from Hope Y Junction on what I believe is Nelson Mountain. Small natural avalanche on South end of Summit on East side of road.

Weather & Snow Characteristics
Please provide details to help us determine the weather and snowpack during the time this observation took place.

12 pm at 1400': overcast, no precipitation, calm winds, mid 20s F
1:45 pm at 1850': obscured, snowing 1 cm/hr, calm winds, mid 20s F
3 pm at 2300': obscured, snowing 1 cm/hr, calm winds, low 20s F
5 pm at 1400': obscured, snowing 1 cm/hr, calm winds, mid 20s F

Snow surface

45 cm of settling powder.


50 cm of settling powder now sits on a weak foundation of Jan. 25 buried surface hoar (BSH)/facets and multiple layers of decomposing melt freeze crusts (MFC) and facets.

1604': hand pit failed on isolation on loose basal facets

1847': HS and Test Depth (TD)=120 cm. W aspect. CT12,14 SC and ECTP28 down 70 cm on Jan. 25 BSH and 1 cm facets over a decomposing rain crust. CT21 SC down 75 cm on 6 mm cupped facets. CT20s SC with multiple failures across in facets between different MFC layers 75-85 cm down. CTV in facets between MFC near the ground. 6" ski penetration, above knee boot penetration.

2270': hand pits failing easy 2' down on Jan. 25 BSH and facets over MFC.

2300': HS= 170 cm. N aspect. 23 degree slope. CT16 down 120 cm on facets between MFC. CT14, 21 SC down 45 cm on near surface facets. CT30 SC x 2 down 70 cm on Jan. 25 BSH and facets on rain crust. EXTC.

Photos & Video
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