From Basher trailhead to the summit of Wolverine.
From 800′ to about 2,500′ the snowpack is the expected wet mush, or foot traffic compacted ice. Water and ice blowing off of trees and thick fog added to the gross ambience. A schmeer of gloppy cream cheese snow builds with elevation. Between 2500′ and 2800′ the base finally becomes supportable and edgeable and the new surface snow dries out enough to not glop. Above 2800′ there is enjoyable skiing with 2-4″ of fresh wet snow over a fast edgeable base.
Lot’s of active wind transport above 3500′. 2-8″ thick wind slabs being built from a gusty S-SE wind. Small cornices being formed on northerly aspects. Big plumes of snow could be seen blowing off the summits of O’Malley and Ptarmigan Peaks.