Followed standard up route up Manitoba Mtn from cabin under mostly cloudy skies with local patches of blue. Mostly loose snow below 3000 ft and wind affected snow above.
Mostly cloudy skies with occasional spots of blue sky. E winds @ 3-5 mph above 3000ft. Temp at midday 0C. Above 3000ft considerable evidence of wind transports related to previous evening winds.
Mostly loose snow below 3000 ft and slightly wind compacted above.
Pit located on w-facing slope of Manitoba Mtn at 3046 ft. Evidence of considerable wind transport during previous night. Dug 120 cm deep snowpit. Got CT14Q2 on buried facet layer 22 cm below surface. Got ECTX on same. No sign at this depth of buried M/F crusts observed lower on mtn. Skiing slope produced thin pizza box-sized soft slabs of slightly wind compacted snow.