Observation: Hatcher Pass

Location: Two Lakes Valley

Route & General Observations

Sun crust on southern aspects and soft snow on northern aspects

Red Flags
Red flags are simple visual clues that are a sign of potential avalanche danger. Please record any sign of red flags below.
Obvious signs of instability
Recent Avalanches?No
Collapsing (Whumphing)?Yes
Cracking (Shooting cracks)?No
Observer Comments

My ski partner did witness a whumphing on the upper bowl on a NW aspect while traversing. Many wet loose were observed on solar aspects.

Weather & Snow Characteristics
Please provide details to help us determine the weather and snowpack during the time this observation took place.

Temps in the high teens/low twenties to start the day at 9AM. Clear skies gave way to partly cloudy and then mostly cloudy by 4PM.

Snow surface

Northern aspects are holding soft snow with a some wind effect on higher elevation along the ridges.


Dug a quick pit at:
Slope Angle: 29°
NE Aspect
HS 195 ~ 260cm deep
CT 17 (20cm down), 27 (50cm down)

Photos & Video
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