Observation: Turnagain

Location: Turnagain pass Magnum West face and Lips from road and Tin Can Common from just below Common Bowl.

Route & General Observations

From the road, noticed Lower Palisade of Magnum West face had slid wall to wall, ran maybe 1000′ distance. Also Lips west face main line. Climbed Tincan toward Common, encountered wind effect at bottom of Common up. Several storm slabs had run, propagated from Jerome Dome over to Dogleg of CFR. Also Kitchen Wall and other pockets under rollovers had slid to tundra.

Found 20-30″ of snow and good skiing, but having seen the new slides, stuck to less exposed terrain.

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Forecaster Comments

Most of the avalanches noted above can be seen in the photos, on Tincan and Magnum. A lot of avalanche activity indeed. Thanks for the early season report!

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