Observation: Turnagain

Location: Turnagain - God's Country

Route & General Observations

Common uptrack, past the Seattle Ridge weather station and North out the ridge toward God’s Country.

Weather & Snow Characteristics
Please provide details to help us determine the weather and snowpack during the time this observation took place.

Mid 20's F on the ridge. Winds were calm, mostly clear skies, some high clouds to the South.

Snow surface

50-70cm settled storm snow from 11/29-30 storm. Fist hard storm slab down to the new/ old interface. Storm seems to have finished cold, top 20cm was drier than earlier in the storm.


Lots of slope testers out and about on the moto side today. We stayed North of the uptrack and found good stability on the sunny side along and below the ridge (highway side). Lots of traffic in Main Bowl. Did not see or hear of anybody triggering avalanches up until we left around 1300.
Dug a snowpit in God's Country at 2,650'
SE Aspect
28 degree slope
ECTN down 25cm on a mid-storm layer.
ECTP22,21 down 50 cm on new/ old interface. I didn't see any concerning weak layers at the interface, it simply felt like a fresh storm slab failing on that storm interface, just above the crust. I suspect this will improve with time. Base of the snowpack was comprised of a 1F-Pencil hard slab to the ground.
Bonus: We de-rimed the Seattle Ridge Wx station this morning!

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