Location: Tincan Uptrack.
Weather: Temps in the upper 20’s, wind blustery, decreasing cloud ceiling with light snow/rimed
snow throughout the tour.
Obvious Signs Of Instability:
Recent Avalanches-No
Shooting Cracks-No
Collapsing – No
Whomphing – No
Surface Observations:
Nice light surface snow off the skin track.
Wind impacts on snow surface from 1800′ elevation on (wind crust to thin wind slab).
Pit observations:
Pit dug at protected pocket in the trees @2000′
Aspect W.
Slope Angle 25 degree
HS 110cm.
Buried surface hoar (4-10mm) layer intact with some feathers laying flat, some still upright at
50cm below the surface on 2-3cm rain crust. The snow sitting on top of buried surface
hoar is cohesive, see the photo.
Test Results: We did a series of extended column tests to observe how reactive is the buried
surface hoar layer. Three out of five ECTs showed full propagation, ECT24Q1, ECT27Q2,
Many skiers were out even with the winds and low visibility.