Cold, sunny,and windy above treeline
Took an AAS Level 1 class up the main Tincan skin track to the treeline to check out the snowpack
Cold, sunny,and windy above treeline
Soft powder below treeline, variable wind affected near and above treeline
Dug 3 pits off the main Tincan skin track at about 2500' on a NW facing test slope. We found about 25 cm of newish snow on top of 20-30 cm of facets which was on top of a melt-freeze crust. We also found a thin layer of surface hoar about 5cm down into the facet layer. Stability tests: 5xCTs with most breaking at either the top of the facet layer or the surface hoar layer, scores ranging from 17-30+ with Q1/2 shear quality. 3xECTN at facet/surface hoar layer and 1xECTP, all with 20+ hits