No cracking, collapsing, or recent avalanche activity observed.
Tincan trees to 2200′
No cracking, collapsing, or recent avalanche activity observed.
At 10:30 AM, 35 degrees, calm, and light snow at the Tincan Parking lot (1000'). Low clouds meant overcast to obscured skies with limited visibility to neighboring peaks throughout the day. Rain/snowline was right at 1000', lifting to ~1300' by 1:30 PM when we left. Light to very light snow while we were out, with light winds from the NE above 1800', with an occasional moderate gust.
As of 1:30 PM when we left, the snow surface was wet below 1400' and moist from 1400' - 2200'. Ski penetration of 4-6" above 1400' in fairly dense snow.
At 1000' - parking lot elevation - the height of snow = 40cm.
2cm of wet melt forms sat on the surface over a breakable 3cm melt freeze crust.
The top 10cm was wet, and below that the snow was moist to the ground.
At 1400' height of snow increased to 60cm, and the melt freeze crust near the surface disappeared.
Moist snow from the surface to the ground, with a generally right side up profile.
At 1800' height of snow increased generally to 70cm, but areas that often get wind showed some variation, with HS ranging from 40-80cm.
The snow at the base of the snowpack and on the surface was moist, with dry snow in between.
At 2200' height of snow remained ~75cm except in wind scoured areas, where HS = 30-40cm could be found.
See below for snow structure - generally right side up.
Of note was that facets at the snowpack/ground interface were moist, and 1 finger hardness.