Light snowfall, with a southeast breeze. Fully cloudy skies.
Quick afternoon tour to check out new snowfall and burn off some energy after a morning in the office. 2-4″ snow overnight, with about a foot of soft snow on top of the 3/9 surface.
Light snowfall, with a southeast breeze. Fully cloudy skies.
2-4" snow since yesterday, with another 8" or so on top of the 3/9 interface, which was a stout crust on southerly aspects.
No red flags or alarming test results, but I never went above 2500'. The 3/9 facet layer was not propagating in stability tests in a pit on a sheltered SE-facing slope at 2250'. A layer of facets about 2' deep was still showing up in extended column tests, but not propagating. More snowpack info in attached snowpilot profile.