Observation: Turnagain

Location: Tincan trees

Route & General Observations

Tincan trees – northern end of them – up to 2000’ between 10:30 am and 3 pm

Weather & Snow Characteristics
Please provide details to help us determine the weather and snowpack during the time this observation took place.

Light snow throughout the day - melting on contact at the road - with 1-2” accumulating during tour. 2-3” had fallen overnight. Overcast or obscured sky, occasional light NE wind, temp 33 at the road and slightly cooler up high. Rain snow line was near 500’ when we left at 3 pm.

Snow surface

2-4” of soft new snow, over a few inches of soft older snow in wind protected areas. Ski penetration of 3-5”. The surface snow was dry above 1500’ when we left at 3pm, but the top few inches were moist below that elevation. A thin, non supportable crust was also present on all slope angles below 1500’, buried now by 3-6” of soft snow. NW aspects above 1500’ were surprisingly crust free in the top 6” of the snowpack.


Under today’s snow we found 2-4” of soft, fist hard snow in wind protected areas, but at treeline previous winds from Thursday night deposited small slabs - up to 8” thick - on more westerly aspects. Shovel tilt tests revealed 1cm surface hoar down below that slab, and it was also present in non-winded areas down 4-6”, but it only failed with hard taps. No deeper tests were conducted.

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