Only thing I observed was lots of roller balls.
Toured up standard route to 2300’ top of trees. Managed to get to snow line during a brief let up in precipitation. Snowing up high with lots of wind and wet snow and rain down low.
Only thing I observed was lots of roller balls.
Parking lot - mid 30s and drizzling light wind @ 12:30
1800’ - low 30s snowing moderate winds @ 13:00
2300’ - low 30s heavy snow at times winds into high 20s
1100’ to 1600’ - 2” wet new snow over saturated supportable melt freeze
1600’ to 2000’ - 4”-6” New wet snow over saturated supportable melt freeze
2300’. 6+” new snow over saturated melt freeze
New snow would slide off the old wet snow fairly easy in hand pits at all elevations.
Ski testing on steep rollovers did not produce any results except new snow sliding just under skis.