Observation: Turnagain

Location: Tincan trees

Route & General Observations

Tincan normal up track with three laps in the trees.

Red Flags
Red flags are simple visual clues that are a sign of potential avalanche danger. Please record any sign of red flags below.
Observer Comments

Recent heavy load - lots of new snow out there!

Weather & Snow Characteristics
Please provide details to help us determine the weather and snowpack during the time this observation took place.

Overcast clouds and Obscured visibility at times. Calm wind. Temps near freezing. Snowing S-1.

Snow surface

Moist powder at about 1,200 ft and below. Creamy powder above 1,200 to treeline. At treeline area's of wind stiffened snow just sub-surface. No travel above treeline.


Limited observations due to poor visibility.
One snowpit dug at treeline with a HS of 175cm.
CT23Q2 down about 2 feet. Then - CTN and ECTX.
Basal Facets felt with probe in hand.