Snowing S 1-2+ cm an hour all day.
Calm to light Northerly wind around treeline. Obscured visibility to see any wind transport up higher.
Alaska Guide Collective – Rec Level 1 avalanche course on Sunburst to 2,100′ and Tincan to 2,200′
Snowing S 1-2+ cm an hour all day.
Calm to light Northerly wind around treeline. Obscured visibility to see any wind transport up higher.
New snow.
Sunburst at 2,100 ft SW aspect: 3 out of 5 pits failed ECTP20 near the base 15cm up on old facets below a melt-freeze crust, height of snow 75cm
Tincan at 2,200 ft NW aspect: 3 pits all ECTX, 1 pit ECTN22 35cm down, height of snow 75-140cm