Field Observations
Jan.8, 2015
Tincan to 2700′
Temps: 37F at parking lot and 34F at 2700′
Wind: Northeast, 10-20mph
Sky: Obscured
Precip: Rain (light/mod)
Rain line: ≈ 3000′ +/-
Obvious Signs Of Instability
Recent Avalanches-NO
Shooting Cracks-NO
Collapsing – NO
Surface Obs –
1000′ – Saturated top 2″ of snow on 6″ of firm snow
2000′ – 3″ of wet saturated snow on 3″ dryer low density snow
3000′ – 3″ of wet saturated snow on firm hard-pack snow
*Surface hoar growth from the last week has melted due to high temps and rain
Snow Below the Surface:
At 2700′, saturated snow in the top 3″, water was penetrating into the snowpack and pooling in puddles
at density changes within the top 10-12″. Could feel small localized crusts forming with saw blade when
cutting through top 12″ of snow. Temperatures within the top meter of snow were between -2C to -5.5C.
Buried surface hoar layer was found 80cm below the surface and was none reactive.
*We couldn’t get wet saturated snow to move with ski tests, only produced small rollerballs. Snow was
supportable, buy very sticky and difficult to ski.
Pit @2700′ – WSW aspect, 25* slope, HS=155cm
Test Results- CTN, ECTX, ECTN 25cm from surface on density change (1F to P)
See pit picture for structure details