Observation: Turnagain

Location: Tincan

Route & General Observations

Ski toured from the Tincan trailhead to the runout zone for Avalanches from Todd’s Run. Rock hard Icy Crust with dimpled surface to about 1700 feet, hard enough you could walk on it. The portion of the Iditarod trail I skied was rock hard, icy. Above 1700 feet nice touring conditions, crusty but not icy. I noticed surface hoar starting to build. Temps in the low 30s, no wind, bluebird sky.

Lower Eddies trail dry so that’s a walk in, Tincan you can ski from and I think you can get a nice line pretty close to the highway.

Thank you for all the snow reports, I look forward to what other observers can pass back to us.

These great pictures of the Tincan avalanches occurred during the warm and rainy weather between Jan 17 and 26.
Thank you Bob!!

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