Observation: Turnagain

Location: tincan

Route & General Observations

Standard uptrack to 2900′ on bench just below the ridge climb to the common bowl. Skiing the trees was super super soft, deep, and fun.

Red Flags
Red flags are simple visual clues that are a sign of potential avalanche danger. Please record any sign of red flags below.
Obvious signs of instability
Recent Avalanches?Yes
Collapsing (Whumphing)?No
Cracking (Shooting cracks)?Yes
Observer Comments

Partner went to stomp the steeper section of hamburger hill on skinner's left. Nothing went but partner reported ~5feet of shooting cracks on either side of skis. Noted crowns of 2 small slabs from the last 48hrs and and the slab below the common bowl ridge noted in advisory.

Weather & Snow Characteristics
Please provide details to help us determine the weather and snowpack during the time this observation took place.

cirrostratus clouds to the south on drive out. Thin overcast skies at TH increasing in thickness as the day went on. Temps at TH in morning were a bit chilly (~-7C?). Temp at 2200' at 11am was right at 0C. Strong end of spectrum for light winds at 2900' around 12pm from the SW.

Snow surface

Considerable sun crusts on solar aspects and in unshaded flats. In shaded aspects/areas was ~30cm settling powder.


Hand pit test on a W aspect around 1250' failed with easy-moderate force about 30cm down on small facets above a MF crust. New snow wasn't much of a slab but definitely forming up.