Recent Avalanches? | No |
Collapsing (Whumphing)? | No |
Cracking (Shooting cracks)? | Yes |
Followed standard Tincan uptrack
Recent Avalanches? | No |
Collapsing (Whumphing)? | No |
Cracking (Shooting cracks)? | Yes |
Localized shooting cracks on 10cm windslab above 2,000ft
Mostly sunny in am with CS moving in from south in the pm. Calm winds at Turnagain Pass PL. Expereinced winday condiditons above 2200ft. At 1230 wind was from 210deg@10-14mph, 17F. 3-4in new snow at PL level and above from storm on 2/22,
3-4 in new snow with little wind effect at PL level. That transitioned to wind affected, but still loose snow 300+ ft above valley bottom (pic). At 2,000ft level and above encountered 10cm 1F wind slab on ridgetops ovelying loose snow. Found pockets of loose wind-transported snow in protected areas on lee south-facing slopes. Looks as though wind producing slab may have come from a northerly direction?? (pic)
Hand shears on way up mtn gave no results. However noted short localized shooting cracks in wind slab. Did quick pit at 2234ft, at 350degNW aspect and 28deg slope. Approx. 100yds due east of beaded string sta. Total SP = 200cm. 200-185= F,wind transported broken particles. 185-170cm=1F,1mm rounds. 170-165=rounding 4Fburied 2mm SH?. 165-155=P,M/F crust. 155-150=rounding 4Ffacets?. 150-130=M/F? crust. Got STH,CT23 and ECT25 at base of buried SH?layer at 30cm below surface. I may need a lesson in distinguishing buried surface hoar from facets.