None observed
Standard up track to 2,800′
None observed
Clouds in the am clearing by afternoon, pockets of valley fog
No precipitation
Temperatures (F) single digits to mid teens
2" of new snow, needles and columns
1000'-1600': 3" snow depth
1600'-2000': 1" melt/freeze crust on the ground gradually getting thicker with elevation covers by 1-2" of loose faceted snow with 2" of new snow in sheltered areas. Height of snow ranged from 4- 8" near 2000'.
2000'-2800': Melt/freeze crust found on ground everywhere and averaged 3-5" thick and appeared to be well bonded to the ground. Average snowpack depth is approximately 1 foot but ranges from 4 -18". 1-3" of loose faceted snow sits on top of the crust in some areas. The highly variable surface conditions from last week are now covered by 2" of new snow but it is easy to feel the m/f crust, sastrugi and isolated pockets of windslabs. New snow is slightly wind effected and drifted at treeline and above (see video).