Observation: Turnagain

Location: Tincan

Route & General Observations

Tincan Northern aspects

Weather & Snow Characteristics
Please provide details to help us determine the weather and snowpack during the time this observation took place.

Temps: 30-50F
Wind: 5-15mph
Sky: High thin clouds with sun coming through. Good visibility all day
Precip: none

Snow surface

Southern aspects have a supportable melt/freeze sun crust. Today winds kept the curst supportable, and by 4pm the crust was soft and corn-like.
Northern aspects have 4-12" of low density snow sitting on a stout melt/freeze crust formed during a warm storm event last weekend (4/17-4/29.)


A stout supportable crust exists on all aspects to at least 3800' (haven't been higher) and has caused the snowpack to become strong and stable.

*On shaded aspects there is 4-12" of low density snow on the surface. Should the winds start to blow this weekend there is still snow available for transport.

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