Temps: 30-50F
Wind: 5-15mph
Sky: High thin clouds with sun coming through. Good visibility all day
Precip: none
Tincan Northern aspects
Temps: 30-50F
Wind: 5-15mph
Sky: High thin clouds with sun coming through. Good visibility all day
Precip: none
Southern aspects have a supportable melt/freeze sun crust. Today winds kept the curst supportable, and by 4pm the crust was soft and corn-like.
Northern aspects have 4-12" of low density snow sitting on a stout melt/freeze crust formed during a warm storm event last weekend (4/17-4/29.)
A stout supportable crust exists on all aspects to at least 3800' (haven't been higher) and has caused the snowpack to become strong and stable.
*On shaded aspects there is 4-12" of low density snow on the surface. Should the winds start to blow this weekend there is still snow available for transport.
Shaded Northern aspects have light dry powder (4-12")
Sunny aspects have a supportable melt/freeze crust. Today 15 mph winds keep the curst supportable, but became soft by late afternoon.
Rollerballs from yesterdays warm temps and calm winds.
Watch out for cornice crevasses. This one was on CFR ridge and was 200cm (6.5') deep.
Several clumps of small trees were knocked over from the debris from an avalanche on 4/17 on the Nothern side of Tincan
Sun halo
Lenticular cloud
You can still skin/ski from the car at Tincan.