Composite observations from today’s AAS Level 2 Refresher Course.
Route: TinCan Common, normal west side uptrack
Weather: Scattered Clouds. Calm to 5-7 mph North winds, Air temp -5 C, Snow temp -7 C
Signs of Instability:
Surface Obs: Surface hoar visible at all elevations 2-4mm, larger down low. At 1400-1500ft melt
freeze crust dissipates. Above 2,000 ft evidence of wind effect. Ski/Boot pen 3cm/7cm
Snowpack Obs:
Pit #1: 2000′ ft, W aspect 10 degree slope, HS: 95cm.
CT10SC@60cm down Buried Surface Hoar 4-6mm (Dec 11-14)
Pit #2: 2,500′ ft, SW aspect 31 degrees HS: 95cm
CT28RP@35cm down, Buried Surface Hoar 2-3mm
ECTP14RP note: bed surface was to ground and could be an anomaly due to bushes
AK Block Test: AK6
Pit #3: 2500’ft, S Aspect 18 degrees HS: 135
CT27SC@46cm down Buried Surface Hoar 2-4mm
Note: Pit 2 & 3 within 50m of one another. Seems like the BSH is less reactive BUT still there and
would cause D3 if triggered. Did not get to test upper elevation zones where wind slab might be
bigger and/or more reactive.