None observed - We did do some whumpf hunting by putting in a new skin track in undisturbed snow in the 12.1 crust elevation band but no luck.
Standard uptrack to 3200′ on ridge. Tracking the 12.1 facet combo below 2500′ and the basal facets above 2500′.
None observed - We did do some whumpf hunting by putting in a new skin track in undisturbed snow in the 12.1 crust elevation band but no luck.
Mostly cloudy in the am becoming partly cloudy in the afternoon. Valley fog in Turnagain Pass as we drove through at 9:30.
No precipitation
Temperatures in the low 20°Fs.
Mostly calm until late afternoon when northeasterly winds picked up with a little wind transport visible on the ridge.
Trace of new snow
Up to 1400' there is a very thin breakable melt-freeze crust just under the new snow.
Ski pen until treeline and wind affected snow is 3-5"
Wind effect evident at staring at treeline with some hard sastrugi in places along the ridge. Lots of loading and scouring evident looking around the region.
HS@ 1600: 90 cm 12.1 crust down 40cm
We dug 2 pits @ 1950'. NW aspect, 29° slope, HS:110. CT 12, CT 13, ECTN 11down 30 cm on decomposing precip particles, CT 15, ECTP 13, ECTP 14 down 45 in small facets (1-1.5mm) over the 12.1 crust. There was a distinct layer of buried surface hoar down 75 that was still intact with 12mm grains, not reactive in tests as it was well below 12.1 crust but interesting to check out. Basal facets were moist and rounding. The main takeaway from this elevation is that 12.1 facet/combo has gotten weaker and more reactive. The mid elevation band was the most concerning.
We dug 2 pits at 2500'. NW aspect, 24° slope, HS: 100 cm. CT 16, CT 19, CT 21, ECTN19 down 30 cm on decomposing precip particles. CT 22, CT 28, CT11, ECTX on basal facets. There were 5 cm of dry loose basal facets (2-4mm). No 12.1 crust
We dug 2 pits @ 3200'. SW aspect, 28° slope, HS: 70cm and HS: 130cm. CT 28, CT 26, ECTX on basal. These facets were a bit larger (4-6mm) with more striations in comparison to pit at 2500'.