Sky: Clear all morning through early afternoon, overcast developed after 2:00p.
Temp: 0C
Precip: None
Wind: Calm for most of the day, light winds at 4:00p above 2,000’
Toured up to treeline on the ridge, hugging the edge of the tree / alder meadow transition. Snow was drier and softer than expected. During midday and early after under direct sunshine, heard constant melting and dripping off trees.
Sky: Clear all morning through early afternoon, overcast developed after 2:00p.
Temp: 0C
Precip: None
Wind: Calm for most of the day, light winds at 4:00p above 2,000’
20cm of settling new snow above a very thin melt-freeze crust (possibly a rain crust).
Ski Pen: 15cm
Boot Pen: 55cm
HS: 165cm
Multiple crusts and facet layers within the snowpack.
Progressive failure of mid-storm interfaces at 140cm and 133cm during Compression Tests.
CT25 @ 55cm Q3
CT28 @ 55cm Q3