Avalanche: Turnagain

Location: SW slope on "Eddies "

Route & General Observations

Whilst atop tincan common & only moments after discussing with another recreationist how wild glide cracks were in the area, I stared at this looming glide to my north. “Matt” had just skied off & I began to hear noises as if a glacier was calving so I fumbled for my phone to take a picture. I could see a large hanging piece of slab buckle & obvious cracking textures appear on it. Phone went back in pocket & soon a chunk came roaring down the steep slope hitting & moving other pieces of this whole feature. Yet more moving of the entire slab commenced & 3 minutes later an even bigger, more violent pocket gave out, it tumbled & remained intact for a few seconds then disintegrated with the rest of the debris at the bottom. Quite a spectacle!

Avalanche Details
If this is an avalanche observation, click yes below and fill in the form as best as you can. If people were involved, please provide details.
Trigger NaturalRemote Trigger0
Avalanche Type Wet SlabAspect Southwest
Elevation 2700ftSlope Angle 50deg
Crown Depth8ftWidth 40ft
Vertical Run 45ft  
Avalanche Details

Glide crack chunks released on two occasions 3 minutes apart, both at hot sunshiny SW aspect, apart of the same glide crack pocket. Could see the larger slab crinkle upon itself as it moved & could hear glacial noises coming from it as it crept.

Red Flags
Red flags are simple visual clues that are a sign of potential avalanche danger. Please record any sign of red flags below.
Obvious signs of instability
Recent Avalanches?Yes
Collapsing (Whumphing)?No
Cracking (Shooting cracks)?Yes
Observer Comments

Glide cracks

Weather & Snow Characteristics
Please provide details to help us determine the weather and snowpack during the time this observation took place.

31F no wind, sunshine becoming overcast, no new snow

Snow surface

Hoar frost from highway to 2000' then faceting to top of common bowl.

Photos & Video
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