Observation: Turnagain

Location: Sunburst Meadows

Route & General Observations

AGC Private Level 1 toured up common Sunburst uptrack to just above the alders in a warm ping pong ball.



Weather & Snow Characteristics
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24 degrees at the car, Lightly snowing, calm winds and overcast skies.

Snow surface

The warmer temps had definitely consolidated the new snow making it ski like a soft cream cheese. We topped out at 2000' right where we were beginning to feel some wind effects from the night before just subtly below the new dusting.


Dug 4 pits at 2000' on a NW aspect, 20 degree slope with HS ranging from 170-190. No notable results, same poor structure of facets over Halloween crust with a tiny stellar layer about 35 down. See snowpit profile.

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