Temps: low-mid 30'sF
Wind: Light (5-10mph)
Sky: Sunny
Precip: None
Field Observations Mar.1, 2015. Route: Sunburst to 3700′
Temps: low-mid 30'sF
Wind: Light (5-10mph)
Sky: Sunny
Precip: None
Surface Obs -
1000' trace of new snow on grass and icy skier compacted trail
2000': 1/2" of new snow on firm supportable crust
2700' - 3400': 1" of new on scoured ridge
*Sunburst ridge has become completely scoured old anti-tracks. Didn't notice any signs of wind slabs on southern aspect.
Below the surface:
Pit #1 - (2750') - SW aspect, 20* slope, HS=130cm, Facet layer was 25cm below the surface. ECTN13 and 17
Pit#2 - (3200') - SW aspect, 24* slope, HS= 80cm, facet layer was 20cm below the surface, ECTN14
Pit#3- (3700') - SSW aspect, 28* slope, HS=80cm, facet layer was 25cm below the surface underneath a sun crust. Facets were very advanced and chained. Individual facets were 3-4mm in size and chains were 9-12mm, ECTP12 &13 (SC) under suncrust/facet combo
-Test results on SW aspect near Sunburst ridge showed generally stable conditions w/out propagation potential
-Test results at 3700' on a Southern slope showed moderate results with high propagation potential.
-In general all of the pits showed that the slab is much thinner than it was a week ago. Slab depths were 8- 12" deep below the ridge, compared to 15-20" a week ago. Ridges were scoured with anti-tracks visible.