Starting from the parking lot at noon. 26° with a light breeze from the east. Cloudy but clearing up over the afternoon. Lots of nice, low-density pow down by the road. Skinned up through the meadows – skin track up will probably be a little snotty tomorrow.
Stiff gusts from the southeast once we got out of the alders. Started noting slight surface tension at 2,000 ft. Informal hand pits suggested surprisingly stable snowpack. Saw a little bit of sluffing on some turns from earlier in the day.
Probed at 45 cm the ridge, 2,500 ft. Bottom 25 cm of snowpack felt crusty, top 20 cm slightly wind-affected powder.
Probed at 92cm on the ridge, 2,700 ft.
A thoroughly delightful ski in the sunset. Back down to the parking lot at 3:30.