Observation: Turnagain

Location: Sunburst

Route & General Observations

Standard up track to 3200′
No sign of wind transporting snow at Sunburst, Tincan, Seattle, or Magnum ridges when we had visibility

Weather & Snow Characteristics
Please provide details to help us determine the weather and snowpack during the time this observation took place.

Full cloud cover above 5000', then dropped to 3500' by 2p
Calm to light NE winds
-4°F to +14°F
Intermittent S-1

Snow surface

Snow surface was 4"-10" of powder
Occasional wind effected areas, mostly along the ridge


10 handpits between two of us at various elevations from 1500' to 3300' - only one hand pit (in the trees at 1800') revealed obvious visual sign of buried surface hoar (from Solstice).
Snow from previous 4 days seemed to be settling but not forming cohesive slab

Testpit at 3000', HS160cm, southwest aspect:
CT19Q2, 25cm↓ on 0.5mm rimed stellars
No visual sign of buried surface hoar layer/s. Upon searching, found some crushed BSH mixed with decomposing stellars 55cm↓

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