Partly cloudy with very light snow at 1 pm. Overcast with low clouds by 3:30 pm and the wind picked up.
Normal up-track to 3200′. Did a couple of hand shear tests at ~2400′ on SW aspect with pretty rough, Q3 results, but found surface hoar at the interface about 10 inches deep. We saw one very small skier triggered soft slab avalanches but we couldn’t determine if it had happened today or yesterday. Everyone seemed to ski on the SW face, and so did we. Snow conditions were great with light fluffy snow all the way down to the parking lot, however very shallow still in the alders at the bottom.
Partly cloudy with very light snow at 1 pm. Overcast with low clouds by 3:30 pm and the wind picked up.
Light fluffy new snow
Q3 hand shear test results that propagated on buried surface hoar at ~2400' SW.