Observation: Turnagain

Location: Sunburst

Route & General Observations

Sunburst parking lot to 3500′ on Sunburst ridge.
1-4″ new snow on supportable crust from 1000′ – 2200′.
Slowly start to lose the crust between 2200 – 2700′. 8-10″ new snow over 1F slab above 2700′. Very fun consistent powder skiing. Bonus: Skiing to/from the road!!!

Red Flags
Red flags are simple visual clues that are a sign of potential avalanche danger. Please record any sign of red flags below.
Observer Comments

No obvious signs of instability today on tour. ECT results/ snowpack structure pointed toward potential for slopes to avalanche in the upper elevations with a big enough trigger.

Weather & Snow Characteristics
Please provide details to help us determine the weather and snowpack during the time this observation took place.

1-4" new snow over night at the lower elevations. 4-10" new snow above 3000'.
Winds were calm (almost non existent).
Temperature was 28deg. @ 1,000' and 21deg. at 3500'.

Snow surface

1-4" new snow on supportable crust from 1000' - 2200'.
Slowly start to lose the crust between 2200 - 2700'. 8-10" new snow over 1F slab above 2700'. Very fun consistent powder skiing. Bonus: Skiing to/from the road!!!


First real sign of spooky basal facets at the base of our snowpack. See video from 3500' on Sunburst (pit #2). Observations from today point toward a strengthening snowpack overall BUT we've got poor structure (basal facets) and it appears enough energy to propagate.

Pit#1: HS=90cm. Elv:2400' NW aspect. 25 degree slope
Breakable rain crust ~25cm down. Snowpack appears to be strengthening at this elevation. No basal facets found in this pit.

Pit#2: HS=80cm. Elv: 3500' SW aspect. 29 degree slope.
ECTP22, 25 at 2-4mm basal facets 10 cm above the ground.
1F/ P hard slab sitting on 2-4mm facets.

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