Feb.24 Fresno: broken skies with some low cloud skidding over uppers, calm to
light north wind, max temp-2C
10:30am-3:30pm Ski pen 20cm, good quality powder, not much recent wind affect
below treeline. Above treeline ridges were bare – recent north to east wind
appeared to have loaded upper gullies.
No signs of recent avalanche activity observed.
At treeline on the east aspect we found 30cm foot pen. HS 150. CT16 down 12cm
Q2/PC. RB6 EB down 12cm. At the late January crust found 57cm down, we got a
stubborn RB6 EB on FC Q2/RP. After our first run down, we broke a new skin track
further to the looker’s right of regular uptrack. On the steepest little
pitch~34 degrees, we had 5 people within 30’and when the only snowshoer
approached the slightly steeper incline, we had a collapse and whumph. It
happened once more a little higher. No cracks in the slab – guessing it was the
Jan.crust/facet combo failing.
Feb.23 Tenderfoot: overcast-broken, calm to light north wind, max temp-1C
10am-4pm Ski pen 20cm, good quality powder, not much recent wind affect below
treeline. Just above treeline on the ridge we found new windslab to 15cm thick
with a moderate shear Q2/RP. Off the ridge, the west slope looked more deeply
loaded. Below treeline in a W-NW facing glade we found HS167cm. CT6 down 14cm
Q3/PC. At an eggshell crust down 56cm we got CT30 Q3/BRK with some faceting
beneath. ECTN. DT was performed on the facets near the ground, but results
varied – they didn’t seem too reactive.