Observation: Summit

Location: Summit lake cabins

Route & General Observations

Height of snow just above road at 1270′ was 105 cm. Thanksgiving crust was 60cm down, 15 cm thick and degrading w mult. layers within.
At 1885′ HS was 110cm, TG crust was 70cm down and 17cm thick
At 2500′ HS was 130, TG crust was 80cm down and 11cm thick.
There were no obvious signs of instability.

Recent glide avalanche release on Summit Mt.

Weather & Snow Characteristics
Please provide details to help us determine the weather and snowpack during the time this observation took place.

light snow S-1 most of the day

Snow surface

new snow over slightly settled new snow, great skiing.


Hand shear at about 1800' moderate/hard at top of TG crust.
Only got one quick CT test in at 2500' due to time constraints.

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