Observation: Portage / Placer

Location: Squirrel Flats

Route & General Observations

Placer river Valley to Squirrel Flats (north route) to Spencer Bench Cabin.

Weather & Snow Characteristics
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Single digits in Valley this morning. Warmer at elevation and in the sun! mid teens this afternoon back at the trailhead. Sunny. NW wind began to pick up around 1pm. Flagging on high ridges.

Snow surface

6-10" on stout crust in valley bottom. Much deeper with elevation. Boot pen 24-30" low density unconsolidated snow at 1800'. No slab to speak of at the surface in any areas protected from the wind.


Pit 1: Comet Glacier. 3800' North. 30 deg slope. CT13, ECTP18 down 50cm on buried surface hoar. 50cm above bsh was fist hard. Unconsolidated.

Pit 2: Climbers right of Squirrel uptrack. 2,000' NE. 26 deg slope. CT18, ECTP21 down 55cm on bsh. Fist hard above and unconsolidated above.

Cut some roof cornices on the Spencer Bench Cabin. Total season snowfall on the roof has consolidated to 235cm. Bottom 1/2 is pencil to knife hard slab. Some serious weight!

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