One whumf at 2,000' - stopped and dug, 4-5" of weak old snow near the ground collapsed
Seattle Ridge up-track
One whumf at 2,000' - stopped and dug, 4-5" of weak old snow near the ground collapsed
Partly cloudy with valley fog. No precipitation. Temps in the mid 20's F. Winds calm.
Crazy snow storm last night.... 12" low density snow in the DOT weather station parking lot but only 6-7" on the ridge. We are quite sure that this is true despite the winds. There was minor to moderate wind effect on Seattle Ridge but looking across to Magnum and Sunburst it seemed they got less snow and more wind - scoured ridges.
Storm snow seems to have bonded well with preexisting surface at treeline and below.
Lower elevations - 1,900': Bottom 4-6" of snowpack has patches of weak snow near the ground
Top of treeline - 2,300': Weak layer of facets and buried surface hoar from Nov 16th. This layer was 18" below the surface. See video