Avalanche: Chugach State Park

Location: Ram Valley NW Cumulous Ridge

Route & General Observations

Toured up to Bombardment Pass then turned back on a Ram Valley to Peters Creek traverse. Large-area (football field) womphing in multiple areas along the trail steered us to middle of the valley and low angle terrain, then back home. This avalanche was remotely triggered on the northwest side of Cumulous ridge on a north-facing, 30-35 deg slope while skiing on the river about 1/8th mile? away.

Avalanche Details
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Trigger SkierRemote Trigger Yes
Avalanche Type Soft SlabAspect North
Elevation 3100ftSlope Angle 33deg
Crown Depth 20inWidth 50ft
Vertical Run 100ft  
Avalanche Details

Toured up Ram Valley while on a Ram to Peters Creek traverse but turned back at Bombardment after hearing multiple womphs. Large-area (football field) womphing in multiple areas along the trail In the trees, along valley floor were experienced. This avalanche was remotely triggered on the northwest side of Cumulous ridge on a north-facing, 30-35 deg slope while skiing on the river about 1/8th mile? away.

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