Pastoral Glacier via Taylor Pass. Obviously all sorts of large mid-storm avalanches on Sunburst, Basketball, and Taylor Pass from storm cycle. Looked like a bulldozer drove down Taylor Pass. No signs of current instability. Was a bit concerned about thin snowpack on SE side of Taylor Pass, but no signs of instability on ski cut/traverse. Creamy, dense, consistent snow on Pastoral Glacier.
— Pit —
Location: west side of Taylor Pass
Aspect: W
Elevation: 3,100 ft
HS: 270 cm
HP: 150 cm
CT15 @ 10 cm down Q3.
CT @ 40 cm down Q3 (after extensive slamming outside of test parameters)
ECTN15 10 cm down
ECTN 40 cm down (after extensive slamming outside of test parameters)