Below are photos of two small natural slab avalanches that released sometime
late on Friday 4/12 or early on Saturday 4/13.
SW facing around 2,700′ and look to be around a foot deep.
The slight increase in northerly wind (~10 gusting 25+mph) late Thursday/early
Friday 4/12 is likely the culprit. Blowing the foot or so of low density snow
easily into slabs. It is unclear if warming by the sun added to the instability,
but I wouldn’t rule it out.
Last time we had a natural like this on Max’s was 4/1 (you can see remnants of
the crown in the second photo). The next day (4/2) a very large avalanche
released on Goat Mt (SE facing). See observation page (unable to link to it from
here). Is there another large avalanche on southerly aspects in the Girdwood
Valley brewing?