Recent Avalanches? | Yes |
Collapsing (Whumphing)? | No |
Cracking (Shooting cracks)? | No |
SW Face of Marmot Mtn. evidences significant wind effects after new snow of approximately six inches on Monday, 2/22, and wind events on Wednesday, 2/24, with gusts to 50 mph, and early this morning, Thursday, 2/25, with gusts to 60 mph.
Recent Avalanches? | Yes |
Collapsing (Whumphing)? | No |
Cracking (Shooting cracks)? | No |
Storm point releases from rock surfaces.
Wind, 11G17, ESE from Wx Station. Broken skies. Temperatures, 32-34 F at 3000' eleva.
Wind crust and satstrugi.