Observation: Hatcher Pass

Location: Marmot and Hatch Peak

Route & General Observations

Toured Friday and Saturday

Friday: Marmot (West Face and Boot Pack Couloir in Rae Wallace)
Saturday: 16 mile laps and 1000$ run via Bennet’s Ridge

Friday: No signs of current instability. Multiple hand shears reveal good bonding on new snow/old surface interface on wind-loaded slopes. Dog-sized cornice drops into Rae Wallace reveal no storm slab or wind slab instabilities. Ski cutting in steep N to W facing terrain reveal no signs of storm slab or wind slab instabilities. Glide Cracks forming above “Death Gully” on west rib of Marmot. Also Glides forming above standard skin track on West Rib of Marmot. Wind scoured ridge lines and new cornice formation. Snow quality high in protected areas.

Saturday: About 10cm of light density snow overnight with maybe 5cm more falling during morning hours at 4000ft (about 6 total inches). SE winds 5-15mph with some snow transport apparent on higher peaks.

16 mile runs: No signs of instability. Main hazards appear to be a slippery creek crossing and flat landings on jumps. Ski quality moderate with a stable trend.

Hatch Peak
NE facing
30 degree slope
HS: 180cm
HN: 15cm
Ski/boot pen: 25/55cm

CT17RP 45cm down
CT25 RP 115cm down

Main layer of concern seems to be crust sandwiches about mid snow pack. See prior obs and forecasts for hardness profiles.
When the clouds cleared @ 1245ish evidence of loose dry activity at higher elevations on all aspects in steeper terrain.

Ski quality high with some sluffing.

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