No cracking, no whumping, the only avalanches we saw were the glides that had released earlier in the week. Glide cracks that released on marmot had large blocks sitting detached rather precariously from crown line.
Toured up Marmot, traveled along the ridge to Rae Wallace up-track. Descended corporate ridge.
No cracking, no whumping, the only avalanches we saw were the glides that had released earlier in the week. Glide cracks that released on marmot had large blocks sitting detached rather precariously from crown line.
Trace snow, Calm winds, 16 degrees, and broken sky at 11:00, Fishhook parking lot.
Trace snow, calm winds, 13 degrees and overcast sky at 13:18, top of Ray Wallace up-track.
1cm/hr, calm winds, 15 degrees and obscured sky 14:30, Fishhook parking lot.
Blue sky was sighted during first part of the tour!
Snow surface consisted of variable depth 10-25cm of low density snow on ascent. On the marmot standard up-track, dust on crust conditions were present on windward features from previous storms. Cornices have grown on the ridge and were hard to spot in some areas. Corporate ridge had some large wind features that needed navigation on descent, crust could be felt at times on descent. Overall quite nice ski quality even on south facing aspect that had crust closer to the surface.
Overall snow pack seemed to have high strength and low propagation potential. An ice crust that formed pre thanksgiving was the only layer of note. Low density snow on the surface seems capable of moving on steep slopes but didn't travel far on the Rae Wallace up-track.
Top of Ray Wallace up-track
4400' 39 degrees, 4400'
HS 135
Broken Sky, -10.5 Celsius, Calm Winds, Trace snow.
CT11PC @ 15cm
CT21SC @ 45cm fractured below ice crust.
ECTN27 @ 15cm