Observation: Hatcher Pass

Location: Marmot

Route & General Observations

Here is an update on my last observation. I spoke with a park ranger on Saturday in regards to the snow machine corridor. He informed me that April bowl and Sky scrapper are both inside the boundaries of the area for snow machine use. Machiners tend to high mark the last finger that drops down from the east side of Eldorado bowl. That is the farthest they can come. April bowl IS on the Willow side of the pass and therefore open to sledding. Marmot on the other hand IS NOT open to snow machines. Park rangers took down temporary corridor signs just before the last heavy snow fall believing that the season was over and that they would close the area for machine use but then we received new snow so they left it open. OOPS!
For snow machiners using this area, my humble apologies for directing ill will your way in regards to April bowl and Sky scrapper. As for Marmot, Snow machines are NOT allowed off the designated corridor EVEN IF THE TEMPORARY SIGNS HAVE BEEN REMOVED. Anyone seeing snow machines on Marmot should take photos of machine, rider, and vehicle and give to rangers.
Side note, snow on northerly side of 4068 has been pleasent:)

Weather & Snow Characteristics
Please provide details to help us determine the weather and snowpack during the time this observation took place.

Blue Bird

Snow surface

Late winter above 2000 spring below

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