Did not see any signs of instability in my viewshed.
from Manitoba Hut skied standard uptract to 1600ft level on Manitoba Mtn (pic). Did quick pit at same elevation on S. facing aspect. N and Waspects still loose snow on firm base. M/F suncrust forming on S aspects (pic).
Did not see any signs of instability in my viewshed.
Bluebird day with calm winds. At 1200 temp = 33degrees.
1-2 inches new snow from storm on 3/5? on firm base 1mm facets developing decomposing precip particles. M/F crust forming on S. aspects. N and W aspects still loose snow.
Did quick pit at 1600ft on 193deg SW aspect, SA = 20deg. HS = 150cm. 150-149 F = 1mm surface hoar growing on decomposing precip particles. 149-147 PM/F sun crust (pic). 147-130 F faceting rounds (near surface facets?). 130-125 PM/F crust. 125-50 1F small rounds. Got CT22@130cmQ3. Slab broke on top of M/F crust.