No whumping cracking or collapsing were observed today.
The most recent avalanches occurred after strong/extreme winds gusted E/ENE 30-71 mph for almost 20 hours on 12/23.
We toured from the IM lot up to the lower Marmot test slope, up the standard Microdot ridge down Nosebleed, and out Gold Chord Lake. All the terrain we covered today has been significantly affected by the Dec 23-26 wind. Conditions were less than ideal. No obvious instabilities or red flags were observed today.
No whumping cracking or collapsing were observed today.
The most recent avalanches occurred after strong/extreme winds gusted E/ENE 30-71 mph for almost 20 hours on 12/23.
No new snow since 12.12 to 12.15
Calm wind today
22degF at 4500'
27degF at 3550'
31deg F at 2700'
Snow surfaces consist of pencil hard wind board, 6" to 12"+ high sastrugi, old firm rain crusts (Dec 5), pockets of rare and hard to find powder, and breakable crust. Variable conditions exist at all elevations and all aspects.
See pit and pics
12/24 Sunnyside of Hatch
12/24 Death gully on Marmot. Avalanche occurred on 12/23
12/24 Debris that almost hit the road on Marmot 3 on 12/23.
12/28 Conditions up Valley of Sin.
2022Lower Marmot testslope-28-Dec
12/28 Sastrugi on lower Marmot
12/28 Looking up at old avalanches on Hatch and 4068 from 12/23