Observation: Seward

Location: Lost Lake

Route & General Observations

Rode up the common lost lake trail (fireman’s entrance) near Seward to the Lost Lake zone and the weather station.
Successful weather station mission with cleaning off the anemometer (wind sensor).

Red Flags
Red flags are simple visual clues that are a sign of potential avalanche danger. Please record any sign of red flags below.
Observer Comments

No red flags seen.

Weather & Snow Characteristics
Please provide details to help us determine the weather and snowpack during the time this observation took place.

Light northerly winds.
Temps in the teens.

Snow surface

3-6mm of surface hoar on the surface up to our high point of 3700'. This was being blown around a bit up high and not uniform, blown over in many areas.
The top 6-8" is very loose snow and turning into near surface facets.


Nice right-side-up snowpack in sheltered zones that haven't seen wind effect. Great soft surface snow where it has not been tracked up. Above treeline and in areas with wind effect we found wind slabs, crusts and scoured zones. Wind slabs were stiff and stubborn, we could not get any to crack out on us.

We dug one pit at 2,400' on a south facing slope, snow depth 160cm (5').
No instability in top 4', ECTX
The Dec 1 crust was 50cm down and showed no signs of weakness. It was 10cm thick and despite beginning to decompose was still fairly hard (pencil to knife hard).

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