Observation: Turnagain

Location: Library

Route & General Observations

Headed out early to try to get a lap in the library before the thick clouds showed up. Unfortunately the clouds showed up just as early. Full cloud flat light meant no fun skiing. But, we did dig a pit very close to a another pit that was dug on Jan 12 so we could compare.

Weather & Snow Characteristics
Please provide details to help us determine the weather and snowpack during the time this observation took place.

cloudy, warm, very light winds.

Sunburst and Seattle Ridge weather stations are showing high 20's for the period we were out, but it felt much warmer than that. It was 30F in the Tincan parking lot.
The surface snow was showing signs of warming.

Snow surface

10-15cm consolidated snow from Tuesday (was 20-40cm? just 24hrs prior).
Day old tracks had a skiff of refreeze on them.


We dug a pit at 3300ft on a WSW aspect.
15cm 4F density on top of the compressing buried surface hoar.
15cm of 4F density below the hoar layer, then a transition to a 1F pack all the way to the bottom of my pit at 1.5m deep.

Total depth of snow was more than 4m (13ft), my arm length plus my probe didn't reach bottom.

I felt a density change with my probe at ~2m down that may be one of the holiday crusts, or they may not be at that elevation.

The new snow is still active on top of the recently buried surface hoar -> CT7 and CT 11 resistant planar collapse at 15cm down on the hoar layer.
The new surface snow did not show any slab-like tendency, no cohesion.

No other pit results, including with shovel pry on the column.