Localized cracking of 7-8cm of Fist hard, low density snow, new overnight, sitting over 20-25cm of older (January High Pressure) Fist hard faceted snow. Watch this faceted layer for future loading events.
Sluffing was easy to trigger on multiple aspects, on slopes 35 degrees and steeper, in the new/old snow interface and in some cases stepped down into soft, older faceted snow, entraining and gouging more volume, and larger in size. In many cases, sluffing was limited to the new snow, sliding on firm surfaces, without entraining or gouging out more snow, and small in size.
Old large, natural slab activity observed on westerly upper elevation ridges lines in the Delia Creek Area, and small, natural slab activity observed on cross loaded mid and upper elevation ridge lines on the SE side of Marmot near Presidents on SSE aspects.