Recent Avalanches? | No |
Collapsing (Whumphing)? | Yes |
Cracking (Shooting cracks)? | Yes |
Toured from the parking lot opposite Alascom Road. Had some whumphing down low in isolated feature from what appeared to be wind slabs. Most of the route was under 30° slope angle. Had a large whumph near the 6k level. Found conservative route for the descent. Excellent snow up high and not so much down low.
Recent Avalanches? | No |
Collapsing (Whumphing)? | Yes |
Cracking (Shooting cracks)? | Yes |
Whumphing in isolated areas. Had one large whumph near the 6000' level.
Very warm and sunny with no wind.
Sun affected. Good ski quality up high with horrific melt freeze crust down low.