The avalanche mentioned in "avalanche details" was the East face of Government and happened 3/11-12.
Toured out of Government peak parking lot, up to Blueberry Knoll and then towards Gov’t Peak summit
The avalanche mentioned in "avalanche details" was the East face of Government and happened 3/11-12.
We saw this on the backside bowls of Government Peak, don't know what the run is called.
Southerlies were isothermal and horrible skiing on our exit back to the parking lot.
Rapid warming was the biggest red flag today. We started our tour late and felt the effects of the sun through the southerly aspects.
Didn't see many obvious signs of wind loading, but didn't end up on W aspects.
Sastrugi all on the upper ridges. E aspects were chalky and firm.
Dug a pit on NE slope at 2800 ft. Very consolidated snowpack, no sign of buried surface hoar.
Only a crust about 80 cm down from snow surface.
No pics of pit.