Toured up from the road at 1100′ to 3700′ on Government Peak and descended near our skin track. No red flags and overall good ski quality. Whereas the “drizzle crust” is very noticeable and grabby in other parts of Hatcher Pass, here it is barely discernible.
Clear skies in the morning transitioning to broken around noon and overcast in the afternoon.
No precipitation.
Calm to light Easterly winds.
1100': 2-3 mm surface hoar and near surface facets over 2 cm decomposing melt freeze crust (MFC) facets.
1840': 1mm surface hoar over a 1 cm decomposing MFC over facets.
2664': 1 cm decomposing MFC
3700': 2 mm surface hoar over a 1 cm drizzle crust
1100': Easy hand shears failing in a rough manner 60 cm down in chained basal facets. HS=95 cm. F hard to ground.
1840': Easy hand shears failing in a rough manner down 45 cm in chained basal facets; HS=65 cm.
Pit 1: HS=85 cm, 13 degrees, ESE aspect. ECTX. 1F MFC down 25 cm; everything above and below the MFC F hard.
2664': Dug 2 pits (one 50 ft higher). Pit 2a: HS=65cm, 33 degrees, E aspect, CT5 SC and PST 35/100 END down 55 cm on 2-3mm chained facets (chains 6-8 mm long). ECTN 28 & 30 and PST 63/100 END down 30 cm on 1 mm facets.
Pit 2b: HS=100 cm, 32 degrees, NE aspect. CT20 SP, ECTN25, PST 25/100 END, and PST 30/100 END down 40 cm on 1 mm facets under a P hard wind slab.
3700': Dug two pits. Pit 3a: HS=105 cm, 28 degrees, ENE aspect. CT15 BK down 20 cm, CT23 RP down 25 cm, ECTX, PST 98/100 down 25 cm 4F facets (F to 1 F snow on top, 1F to P hard snow below).
Pit 3b: HS=130 cm, 28 degrees, ENE aspect. ECTX. PST 98/100 END x 2.