Avalanche: Turnagain

Location: God's Country (Front side of Seattle ridge, N of the up track)

Route & General Observations

Motorized lot to Seattle ridge weather station. Kept riding North along the ridge and dropped in to God’s Country to investigate a reported snowmachine triggered slab avalanche from yesterday.

Avalanche Details
If this is an avalanche observation, click yes below and fill in the form as best as you can. If people were involved, please provide details.
Trigger SnowmachinerRemote Trigger0
Avalanche Type0Aspect Southeast
Elevation 2300ftSlope Angle 33deg
Crown Depth 24inWidth 250ft
Vertical Run 200ft  
Avalanche Details

Snowmo triggerd yesterday. Soft slab with debris piling up 8-10' deep (as noted yesterday) on a small depression. Slope was 33 degress at the trigger point. Other adjacent slopes were steeper with a lot of snowmachine traffic and no avalanches.

Red Flags
Red flags are simple visual clues that are a sign of potential avalanche danger. Please record any sign of red flags below.
Observer Comments

Relatively fresh glide crack noted lookers left of Widow Maker.

Weather & Snow Characteristics
Please provide details to help us determine the weather and snowpack during the time this observation took place.

Calm winds. Clearing skies, no new precip. Temps were 14 degrees at 1,000' and 17 degrees at 2400'. Very pleasant day!

Snow surface

6-10" of soft powder on top of a supportable slab at mid and upper elevations. 5-10 mm surface hoar formed overnight from 1,000' up.
18-24" of low density powder on top of supportable crust at 1,000'. It's DEEP just outside of the parking lot.


No formal stability tests today. Watched a lot of skiers and snowmachiners on the backside of Seattle ridge test steep terrain without incident. Main concern seemed to be loose snow sluffs were easy to initiate though only low to moderate in volume. Sluffs were fast moving as our surface is so unconsolidated right now.

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